标题:Docker v17.04.0-ce-rc1 发布,应用容器引擎 出处:刘新修 时间:Wed, 14 Jun 2017 10:51:35 +0000 作者:刘新修 地址:http://liuxinxiu.com:80/s/283/ 内容: Docker v17.04.0-ce-rc1 发布了,并将于 2017-04-05 发布 17.04.0-ce 版本。本次更新内容如下: ClientSort docker stack ls by name #31085 Flags for specifying bind mount consistency #31047 Suppressing image digest in docker ps #30848 Hide command options that are related to Windows #30788 Fix docker plugin install prompt to accept "enter" for the "N" default #30769 Add truncate function for Go templates #30484 Support expanded syntax of ports in stack deploy #30476 Support expanded syntax of mounts in stack deploy #30597 #31795 Add --add-host for docker build #30383 Add .CreatedAt placeholder for docker network ls --format #29900 Update order of --secret-rm and --secret-add #29802 Fix use of **/ in .dockerignore #29043 Add --filter enabled=true for docker plugin ls #28627 Add --format to docker service ls #28199 Add publish and expose filter for docker ps --filter #27557 Support multiple service IDs on docker service ps #25234 Allow swarm join with --availability=drain #24993 Removal of the email from docker login #26868 NetworkingCheck parameter --ip, --ip6 and --link-local-ip in docker network connect #30807 Added support for dns-search #30117 Added --verbose option for docker network inspect to show task details from all swarm nodes #31710 Clear stale datapath encryption states when joining the cluster docker/libnetwork#1354 Ensure iptables initialization only happens once docker/libnetwork#1676 Fix bad order of iptables filter rules docker/libnetwork#961 Add anonymous container alias to service record on attachable network docker/libnetwork#1651 Support for com.docker.network.container_interface_prefix driver label docker/libnetwork#1667 RuntimeHandle paused container when restoring without live-restore set #31704 Do not allow sub second in healthcheck options in Dockerfile #31177 Support name and id prefix in secret update #30856 Use binary frame for websocket attach endpoint #30460 Fix linux mount calls not applying propagation type changes #30416 Fix ExecIds leak on failed exec -i #30340 Prune named but untagged images if danglingOnly=true #30330 Add daemon flag to set no_new_priv as default for unprivileged containers #29984 Add daemon option --default-shm-size #29692 Support registry mirror config reload #29650 Ignore the daemon log config when building images #29552 Move secret name or ID prefix resolving from client to daemon #29218 Implement optional ring buffer for container logs #28762 Allow adding rules to cgroup devices.allow on container create/run #22563 Swarm ModeTopology-aware scheduling #30725 Automatic service rollback on failure #31108 Worker and manager on the same node are now connected through a UNIX socket docker/swarmkit#1828, docker/swarmkit#1850, docker/swarmkit#1851 Improve raft transport package docker/swarmkit#1748 No automatic manager shutdown on demotion/removal docker/swarmkit#1829 Use TransferLeadership to make leader demotion safer docker/swarmkit#1939 Decrease default monitoring period docker/swarmkit#1967 Add Service logs formatting #31672 Fix service logs API to be able to specify stream #31313 Add --stop-signal for service create and service update #30754 Add --read-only for service create and service update #30162 Renew the context after communicating with the registry #31586 WindowsWait for OOBE to prevent crashing during host update #31054 Block pulling Windows images on non-Windows daemons #29001 下载deb/rpm install: curl -fsSL https://test.docker.com/ | sh Linux 64bits tgz: https://test.docker.com/builds/Linux/x86_64/docker-17.04.0-ce-rc1.tgz Darwin/OSX 64bits client tgz: https://test.docker.com/builds/Darwin/x86_64/docker-17.04.0-ce-rc1.tgz Linux 32bits arm tgz: https://test.docker.com/builds/Linux/armel/docker-17.04.0-ce-rc1.tgz Windows 64bits zip: https://test.docker.com/builds/Windows/x86_64/docker-17.04.0-ce-rc1.zip Windows 32bits client zip: https://test.docker.com/builds/Windows/i386/docker-17.04.0-ce-rc1.zip Source code (zip) Source code (tar.gz) What does el5, el6, and el7 mean?EL is short for Red Hat Enterprise Linux (EL). EL6 is the download for Red Hat 6.x, CentOS 6.x, and CloudLinux 6.x. EL5 is the download for Red Hat 5.x, CentOS 5.x, CloudLinux 5.x. EL7 is the download for Red Hat 7.x, CentOS 7.x, and CloudLinux 7.x. The UNIXy Varnish Plugins run on all the above platforms. RC ?RC=Release Candidate,含义是”发布候选版”,它不是最终的版本,而是最终版(RTM=Release To Manufacture)之前的最后一个版本。广义上对测试有三个传统的称呼:alpha、beta、gamma,用来标识测试的阶段和范围。alpha 是指内测,即现在说的CB,指开发团队内部测试的版本或者有限用户体验测试版本。beta 是指公测,即针对所有用户公开的测试版本。然后做过一些修改,成为正式发布的候选版本时叫做gamma,现在叫做RC(Release Candidate)。 官网tar.gz下载:https://download.docker.com/linux/static/stable/x86_64/ 官网安装教程:https://docs.docker.com/engine/installation/linux/centos/#install-from-a-package 下载Source code (zip)Source code (tar.gz) Generated by Bo-blog 2.1.1 Release